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  • BUPA’s Documentary : HEALTHY CITIES
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Anna Gabriela Hoverter Callejas, Giselle Sebag, and Pere Vall Casas. 2025. “Healthy Cities: A Visual Conceptual Framework for Moving Health Knowledge into Urban Planning Practice.” Cities & Health 0 (0): 1–18.
Atkinson, Richard. W., Barbara. K. Butland, H. Ross. Anderson, and Robert. L. Maynard. 2018. “Long-Term Concentrations of Nitrogen Dioxide and Mortality: A Meta-Analysis of Cohort Studies.” Epidemiology 29 (4).
Bratman, Gregory N., Christopher B. Anderson, Marc G. Berman, Bobby Cochran, Sjerp de Vries, Jon Flanders, Carl Folke, et al. 2019. “Nature and Mental Health: An Ecosystem Service Perspective.” Science Advances 5 (7): eaax0903.
Carmichael, Laurence, Tim G. Townshend, Thomas B. Fischer, Karen Lock, Carl Petrokofsky, Adam Sheppard, David Sweeting, and Flora Ogilvie. 2019. “Urban Planning as an Enabler of Urban Health: Challenges and Good Practice in England Following the 2012 Planning and Public Health Reforms.” Land Use Policy 84:154–62.
Duhl, L. J, A. K Sanchez, and World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. 1999. “Healthy Cities and the City Planning Process : A Background Document on Links Between Health and Urban Planning / by l.j. Duhl and a.k. Sanchez.” Copenhagen : WHO Regional Office for Europe.
Gascon, Mireia, Margarita Triguero-Mas, David Martínez, Payam Dadvand, David Rojas-Rueda, Antoni Plasència, and Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen. 2016. “Residential Green Spaces and Mortality: A Systematic Review.” Environment International 86:60–67.
Guo, Yuming, Antonio Gasparrini, Ben Armstrong, Shanshan Li, Benjawan Tawatsupa, Aurelio Tobias, Eric Lavigne, et al. 2014. “Global Variation in the Effects of Ambient Temperature on Mortality: A Systematic Evaluation.” Epidemiology 25 (6).
Marselle, Melissa R., Diana E. Bowler, Jan Watzema, David Eichenberg, Toralf Kirsten, and Aletta Bonn. 2020. “Urban Street Tree Biodiversity and Antidepressant Prescriptions.” Scientific Reports 10 (1): 22445.
Mueller, Natalie, David Rojas-Rueda, Haneen Khreis, Marta Cirach, David Andrés, Joan Ballester, Xavier Bartoll, et al. 2020. “Changing the Urban Design of Cities for Health: The Superblock Model.” Environment International 134:105132.
Sallis, James F., Ester Cerin, Jacqueline Kerr, Marc A. Adams, Takemi Sugiyama, Lars B. Christiansen, Jasper Schipperijn, et al. 2020. “Built Environment, Physical Activity, and Obesity: Findings from the International Physical Activity and Environment Network (IPEN) Adult Study.” Journal Article. Annual Review of Public Health 41 (Volume 41, 2020): 119–39.
Stevenson, Mark, Jason Thompson, Thiago Hérick de Sá, Reid Ewing, Dinesh Mohan, Rod McClure, Ian Roberts, et al. n.d. “Land Use, Transport, and Population Health: Estimating the Health Benefits of Compact Cities.” The Lancet 388 (10062): 2925–35.
Woodcock, James, Oscar H Franco, Nicola Orsini, and Ian Roberts. 2010. “Non-Vigorous Physical Activity and All-Cause Mortality: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Cohort Studies.” International Journal of Epidemiology 40 (1): 121–38.